V04 OCT 2014. THEREDOOM (solo project). 18h. BENJAMIN PETERSEN (alem)

> THEREDOOM (solo project). 25 sep - 05 oct 2014. S04 oct 18h


'Alleinkommunikation' employs the issue of consumer behavior in the age of digital media. I visualized how communication behaves today as digital projections - each five minutes long. The title is ambigous in german and means both "all in communication" or "alone communication".
The wild picturesque landscapes shows the environment and a Person. They are alone, but they have equipped with digital devices and headphones.
Highlighted is the loneliness, which is not only by the nature is embodied, but rather the equally of employment with Smartphones relates. The nature stands in a stark contrast to the people. The image is completely broken. Almost act people like a foreign body, they haven't contact with the environment.


> THEREDOOM (solo project)

C/ Luisa Fernanda,
19. Madrid  

D. 25 sep - 05 oct 2014. H: 11-21h
I. 04 oct. H: 18 h